
Global Action Team (GAT)

GAT Chair - DG Sandra Manktelow

This year has been unique since the formation of 105SC.  The team consists of me, IPDG Dave Ebsworth, PDG Peter Burnett, 2nd VDG Dianne Hopkins, GLT Coordinator Mike Baker, Communications Officer Tom Sayers and LCIF officer Ann Huntley. Joining the team this year has been PDG Brian Donovan, and PDG Jarvis Macdonald.

The GAT team meets via zoom every two months to discuss topics including membership, leadership and service as well as keeping up to date with LCIF.  We organised an Autumn Forum which was attended by Lions across the district.  

I would like to express my thanks for all the support the GAT team has given me this year.  It's good to tap into the knowledge and experience of other Lions as together we can do so much.

District Leadership - Global Leadership Team (GLT)

GLT Chair, Global Leadership Coordinator - 

1.1.  Progress against Objectives:

a. Tutorials/Workshops.

Tutorials have been designed for Zone Management, Managing the Club, Club Treasurer, New Lions, Trustee Responsibilities, Guiding Lion, and a Guiding Lion Refresher. These ae all available by zoom either as group sessions or on a one-to-one basis. 

The New Lion Orientation has been updated and circulated through zone chairs so they can be conducted at Club Level as detailed by LCI. 

b. Delivery

Two Zone Management, two Trustee Responsibilities and one Treasurer's Tutorial sessions were completed in the July to December time frame. 

Since the beginning of 2024 I have conducted: 

New member orientation
4 (new members in my own club)
Trustee training 2 (2 clubs)
Treasurer's Tutorial 4 (4 Clubs)

Planned Dates for future tutorials are

Tutorial Month Current Requests
Guiding Lions Programme March 0
Duties of a Lions Charity Trustee April 1
Managing the Club May 1
Managing the Zone June 0

The Club Treasurer tutorial is on request.

Other than my own club I cannot confirm if the New Lion Orientation sessions are being held at club level. 

I have also taken Havant Lions Club through the CIO process and achieved registration for it. 

c. Other:  

As Zone Chair I have also prepared short presentations on Membership and Marketing which I am happy to share.

I have no request yet from the incoming team so am assuming they will design their own tutorials etc.

Global Membership Team (GMT)

Global Service Team Coordinator - ADG Sandra Manktelow

Since the start of the Lion year, I have supported my fellow GST officers and reminded them of time scales including completing and submitting reports. I have attended two Multiple District GST meetings via zoom.

It was with a heavy heart that I heard from Carole Hambleton that our hunger officer, Ian Hambleton, had a heart attack and subsequently passed away. He was passionate about hunger and took part in our district's first ever glean. Ian epitomised Lions with his service and I will never forget the support he gave Barrie Haynes and I when we reached the top of Butser Hill. Ian donned his Lemmy the Lion costume and helped us celebrate. 

I had the privilege of visiting the two Children's Hospices in our district. In October 2023 Lions Heather Blackley, Geoff Curtis and Nigel Coward from Westbury Lion and I had a tour of Julia's Hospice in Devizes. In January 2024 Paula Thorpe, our Childhood Cancer officer, and I visited Naomi House and Jacksplace.  Both hospices are truly wonderful places where families can go and make special memories.

Dianne Hopkins and I were asked to judge our District's ROAR competition. It was lovely to see the passion, enthusiasm and enjoyment of the children who took part.  

Wild Tribe Heroes has really taken off in our district. Each club has received a set of books, and this has enabled clubs to approach schools and establish links which will hopefully enable us to engage with youth.

Our Youth Chair and Dementia and Alzheimer's officer, Pat Nixon decided that it was the time to hang up her Lion's hat.  On advertising the Dementia Officer's role, I was pleased to get an instant response from a Lion from Yateley & District Lions who was willing to take on the role.  My thanks to Denise Deacon for stepping into the position.

I continue to encourage clubs to report service so that we can see how many service activities and people power we give to our communities.  Not all clubs report and few have taken up my offer of support. January 2024 – 60% of clubs reporting.  There have been 803 service activities with 98930 people served. 108 – hunger, 40 environment, 18 vision, 8 Childhood Cancer, 1 diabetes, 628 other activities

Finally, I would like to thank all the GST officers who continue to promote service in our District. Together we can and will continue to serve.

Brain Tumour Research – 2nd VDG Sandra Manktelow

Whenever possible I have attended monthly Zoom officer meetings. Unfortunately, our MD officer had to step down from the position.  I have continued to keep the profile of the appeal raised by putting articles in The Sentinel and sending out letters via District Mailing.

I am proud to say that our District has embraced this appeal with 10 clubs having donated £1600 or more since the appeal began. 

Last year 16 clubs donated £10,576.54 (the target for each district was £10,000).  This year with figures up to and including January 8 clubs have donated £7,377.52. To date our District has donated £47,050.85 since the start of the appeal.

Some clubs have donated money whilst other clubs have held events including a band, fashion show, cake sale and raffles. My thanks go out to all those who have contributed this year and in past years.

Childhood Cancer - Lion Paula Thorpe

The start of the year, my aim was to raise awareness of Childhood Cancer Month (September) and to encourage clubs to highlight this or run an activity or service linked to this. A short article was placed in Sentinel to that effect.

I attended a Multi District meeting called by Multi District Officer,  Rishi Rawoof in November, together with other District Officers. We discussed many aspects and cam to conclusion that Lions can really help facilitate an easier stay for many families by offering accommodation if a club is near a specialist centre or assistance with transport for affected families. 

January was an opportunity to accompany ADG Sandra and a fellow Lion from Petersfield club to Naomi's House and Jacksplace. This was written in a bigger article alongside a report from Lions from Westbury and ADG Sandra visiting Julia's House in the Sentinel.

I am currently emailing all clubs in the District, firstly highlighting Feb 16th as the International Day for Childhood Cancer and will continue to do so to ensure all clubs are aware of September being Childhood Cancer month.

There will be a stand at convention giving details of some well known charities that assist Children with Cancer and their families, but also some lesser know charities. A pack of information will be available for each club and there are 10 packs from the Give-A-Duck Foundation to encourage clubs to raise £100 through an event (whatever they may choose). This will enable the charity to supply 4 ducks for young children to explain the medical procedures that will be happening to them.

I would like to visit clubs between March and July to highlight what we can offer as Lions and the various ways we can help.

Dementia - Denise Deacon

Brief Introduction: My name is Denise, and I have been a member of Yateley & District Lions Club since 2022. I applied for this role as I have a close association with dementia. I have worked with patients in nursing homes and in hospital who had different types of dementia. However, it wasn't until my Mum developed Lewy's Body Dementia and I cared for her, I was keen to learn more about is so became a Dementia Friend. This really helped me understand more of what was happening. I was to become a Dementia Champion, but my Mum's needs became more demanding, so I never got around to it. I have since lost another family member who had dementia. When I read about this vacancy, it just felt right to find out more about it, and here I am.

1.1 Decisions Required of Cabinet: I am thinking of setting up a Facebook page to share information, but only in planning stage and wish feedback from the committee whether they are in favour of this.

1.2 Justification for Decisions:

Central location for news, information, etc., and raising awareness.

1.3 Objectives for the Year:

To ensure that clubs know about the role and encourage them to share information on anything they do in respect of dementia awareness, and that I am available to be contacted to offer signposting if needed.

Ideas/Plans for raising awareness and providing information:

• I am working on information posters for displays.

• I will continue to add to contact list for signposting, as information is obtained.

• I am setting up a library of resources to refer to and have a list of where publications can be

obtained from.

• I will be advertising events clubs could be involved in for fundraising, e.g. the memory walk

• I will include information from each club as to what they have managed to do in support of dementia to be included in my reports. Also, they may be included in my Sentinel submissions.

1.4 Progress against Objectives:

Since starting in role of dementia officer, I have done the following:

• I have been in contact with the Alzheimer's Society and Dementia UK for information and resources

• I am registered with Dementia UK as an authorised fundraiser

• I have sent submissions for Sentinel for January and February.

• I opted to have a static display as I was attending Convention.

• I am having a static display at our club's May Fayre.

• I have been looking into ways to involve our club with fundraising. We will be using some Tail Twister funds as well.

• I have been in contact with a local Dementia cafι and offered to attend one day to volunteer with them. Our club will also be making a donation to them.

• I have been collating relevant information and dates of forthcoming events.

Competitions - PDG Judith Goodchild

I have written articles for the Sentinel and letters for the District Mailing in November about a new way to enter competitions and reminded clubs in February which elicited some more.  Having removed the names of clubs and any references, which would identify the club concerned, they were sent to the DG team and the GST team for judging.  This closed on 29th February and details for certificates were sent to Brigitte Green on 1st March.  I thank her for producing these.

The Barrie Richardson Travelling Lion Award was judged in the normal way.  I would ask Zone Chairs to remind their clubs that I only need an email stating name of club making visit, name of club visited, type of visit and names of members visiting.

DentAid - PDG Dave Ebsworth

This year, I contacted Dent Aid. Their Fund-Raising Co-Ordinator Peter and after a long discussion it was decided to pay over monies that the treasurer had for Dent Aid, and that we would stay in contact with them in case a project comes up that the Lions can assist in.  Dent Aid are mainly looking for large cash inputs.

Diabetes - Gill Clancy

Diabetes a killer and cause of amputations. Yet it is quite hard to get much enthusiasm around it. By many clubs. There is however often more pressing events Yet Devizes have managed to run awareness events and a testing day. Many clubs reported they wanted to do so but since covid willingness by Doctors has not been forth coming. My plan going forward is to ask clubs to think about weight loss advice. A sponsored healthy eating month. A walk a cycle ride. To write to me with personal experiences. I am through my own job working with Diabetes UK and so have access to information events and training. Children are increasing in numbers with diabetes due to lack of exercise poor diets fast food and technology overload. Lions has the ability to make a difference! Let's do more in next Lionistic year than just talk!! 

Diabetes UK need money for research and there are many ideas clubs can create too. 

Marwell Zoo - PDG Judith Goodchild

June 10th 2023  saw the first 105SC visit to Marwell Zoo and it was a great success. 1115 visitors including Lions from 27 clubs enjoyed a wonderful day out.  Our thanks to Acting DG Sandra for organising the day and for sending on the information, booking forms etc. This is saving a great deal of work!

The date for our visit this year is June 9th and information has been sent via The Sentinel and a District Mailing.  The website has also been updated and there is a stall in the exhibition about it.

Unfortunately, for various reasons, we were not able to visit Marwell until 28th February.  Our meeting was very positive and we came away feeling very inspired.  The staff at Marwell re really looking forward to having us again.  They are arranging different activities this year and are going to incorporate more of an environmental theme into displays as we are so close to World Environment Day.

One big change this year is that we are not organising packed lunches for visitors as last year many were not claimed and it was a waste of food and clubs' money.  Instead we suggest that clubs make up their own picnic bags perhaps using one of the many meal deals on offer from supermarkets as a starting point.  Anyone wearing a wristband can receive 10% off in the shop and cafι.  As before free squash will be available in the Marwell Hall.  It will be possible to use cash in Marwell Hall for hot drinks and some low cost souvenirs.  Everywhere else payment is by credit card.

All other details are on the website.

We hope that more clubs will take part this year in a day out which proved to be so popular with those who went last year and yes they now have penguins!

Environment - PDG Judith Goodchild

Early in the year I wrote to clubs about the gift of the Wild Tribe Book.  I am pleased to say that these have generally been welcomed and they have been passed to schools and more sets have been ordered.  Some clubs are supplying copies to schools taking part in ROAR.

I wrote to clubs about the Environmental Photographic Competition in July and reminded them in October.  Some photos were received.  They can be viewed on the Environment stand in the exhibition.  I asked the DG team to select a photo as winner of the 1055SC competition to go forward to the National competition.  The winner will be announced at Convention.

The Dave Ebsworth Award for Environmental Effort was judged under the new rules by the DG team and the GST team and the winner will be announced in Convention.

I wrote to clubs advising them about The Great British Clean Up in September and about new resources for the Environment and how to Recycle after Christmas in December.  I have also written similar articles for the Sentinel and have written one for March about World Earth Day on 22nd April.

During my recent visit to Marwell re Our Fun Day, we discussed how they could incorporate World Environment Day into displays as this date falls on 5th June.  I sent information re June 5th and they have replied that they will speak to conservation/ education and see how we can tie it in.

Clubs are reporting Litter Picks, Clothes recycling including giving clothing to the Lions Community Store and helping individuals in need, collecting drinks cans for recycling, a Beach Clean and supplying Wild Tribe Books to schools on My Lion.

There has not been a MD Environmental Officer for over a year which is not good as there is no guidance from MD.  Also the information on the Photographic competition still refers to a 2022 date for submission of photos.

I have updated the District website.


We sadly lost to Higher Service our Hunger Officer - Ian Hambleton in January this year.

Medic Alert - Geoff Curtis

Nothing to report

Message in a Bottle - Geoff Curtis

Nothing to report

Prostate Cancer – Lion Brian Proctor

It is reassuring that since 1st July 127 men, have received RED letters who probably did not knowing that they may have prostate cancer have been advised to have further tests.

In addition a further 83 men received AMBER letters and advised to monitor their PSA levels.

Since 1st July 2023 the following clubs have held testing events:

Farnborough – 2nd Sept222ember – 244 Men tested, 10 Red letters, 5 Amber letters

Reading – 30th September – 930  Men tested.  – 39 Red letters – 25 Amber letters.

Eastleigh – 21st October – 309 Men tested, 20 Red letters, 10 Amber letters

Fleet – 28th October – 238 Men tested, 9 Red letters, 12 Amber letters

Havant Lions – 18th November  - 22 Red letters, 15 Amber letters

Hayling Island Lions – 10th February – 440 Men tested, 27 Red letters, 16 Amber letters.

The following clubs have planned to hold testing events in 2024:

Basingstoke Lions – Saturday 6th April – Carnival Hall Community Centre

Warminster Lions – Saturday 6th April – Warminster School.

Loddon Valley Lions – Saturday 13th April – The Link (Tadley Community Centre).

Fareham Lions – Saturday 15th June - Palmerston Indoor Bowls Club, Fareham

Maidenhead Lions – Saturday 28th September - Desborough Bowling Club, Maidenhead

Petersfield Lions – Saturday 12th October 2024 – Details TBA

A copy of the Guidance Notes for holding a Prostate Cancer Screening Event has been sent to all Clubs in our District.

Graham Fulford Trust have advised that they now offer further health checks for Diabetes, Thyroid, Liver and Kidney function, Vitamin D, Iron Count and Cholesterol. They also offer a test for Female Hormones. See their website.

Speech and Hearing – Lion Francis Bond

This has been my first year as Speech/Hearing/Learning Officer. I have been given information on this subject, as well as giving out door hangers, deaf aware cards, of which I have some left, and the Sight leaflets. Have answered any questions that were asked of me, while out on Zone visits. Have been in contact with the MD officer.

Vision - Lion Mark Cooper


This has been my first year on cabinet, and very enjoyable it has been, so far.  Objectives this year have been to promote and inform clubs in all matters pertaining to sight and vision.  A number of articles have been published in The Sentinel and in the district mailing.  Most of these have been detailing the process for delivering spectacles to Chichester or MDHQ.  

Additionally, details of public drop-off points for unwanted spectacles have been collated from each of the zones and forwarded to MDHQ for inclusion in the new vision website. 

Links to ideas and toolkits for celebrating World Sight Day in 2023 were published in the district. In 2024 this will be on 10th October. I will be publishing links to the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) site in due course.


Progress against Objectives

Attended meeting with MD Officer Sue Taylor.  Highlights will be shared at the forthcoming zone meeting and district convention:

MD105 Now exceeded 3,000,000 pairs processed in 27 months since the operation began in October 2021. 

Boots Opticians & Costco contacted HQ wanting to partner with us, a major player in the market. Offering frames, styles, and lenses that are out of fashion. 

Costco has a monthly contribution of £200 approx. per store available on application in-store. 

LTA, Wimbledon & Veolia Waste Management, both major corporate organisations, have approached Headquarters having seen information on the new website. 

Certificates and posters can be provided to be given to Opticians for display.

Disposal - liaising with Medico France to rebuild the relationship. 

Some Specsavers & Boots Opticians also collect hearing aids. PT can provide information. 

Volunteering is growing because of the project with good relationships being developed with schools and special schools. 

Volume is important to business partners. We are moving 100,000+ pairs per month

Specsavers now doing their own thing. But not all shops.

New website on Lions International Clubs UK 

World Sight Day 10th  October 2024  Lots of information on International Agency for the prevention of blindness website. Clubs are doing various things. Some just put it on their Facebook page, others do awareness events, others work with their local sight-loss organisations. 

Vision Camera

• Noted that Stuart Young leads on this and it's being rolled out gradually. 

• Stuart Young  (lead vision cameras) awaiting confirmation from the Essex Education Consortium (EEC) to work as a partnership. There is light at the end of the tunnel.  EEC manage 490 primary & 2700+ secondary schools and has links to other consortiums and academy trusts around the country. 

• Whilst LEAs are involved most have devolved responsibility for screening to EEC. 

• Our preferred camera is the Welch Allyn Spot Vision Screener, current price not known.

• This camera is registered with the UK Government. There are well-meaning individuals who are considering purchasing a screening camera at a lower cost and specification.

• LCIF has provided information as to which cameras will be accepted for match funding purposes; these cameras are recognised by the WHO. The lower-cost versions do not have software support including upgrades.

• Still hope to launch at the UN Day in March with 3VP Mark Lyon.

• PG advised that more than £50,000 is currently held for cameras either by Districts or Clubs. 

• Matching grant application for £100,000 is being drafted for overview by DP & GL and submission to LCIF. 

Lions Sight Saver Trust linking into SightSavers and all their work.  Annually Lions UK contribute considerable funding and it is much appreciated. Suggested people look at Sight Savers Facebook Lots of work in Asia and Africa

Other Lion Sight Initiatives worldwide

Through SightFirst.  Eye Clinics and hospitals across Africa and Asia  Kathmandu, mobile screening vans Sight for Kids., Leader dogs for the blind. Etc

Ball for All  International campaign to give a mini football to blind kids all over the world.

Lions in Sight  UK. Priorities. Eye health and care, service and support, partnerships and l

Lions best practice. All on website

New initiatives…. Partners:

College for Blind Children. 

Blind bowlers across UK, have opportunities to volunteer with local clubs.  

Royal School for Blind, family days across England. 

Royal Blind School Edinburgh. 

Visual Awareness – targeting sight-impaired Lions.  50%+ of all older people have some level of sight loss. Remember and think about our own membership. PowerPoint presentation on Lions website.

Project Portfolios Reports

Communications - Tom Sayers 

PRO Richard Keeley and I continue to work to further improve the information available to Cabinet Officers and clubs. Much more information can be accessed once logged-in. The District Directory is a good example but various documents and forms are available, such as Insurance documents maintained by Insurance Advisor Steve Spencer and Financial Information maintained by Treasurer Tim Hanton. 

This year's Convention website is simply and gives comprehensive information and links to an online booking form.  

The District 105sc Sentinel newsletters, ably edited by Peter Tabb, are uploaded to the website each month and appear on a 'Lions year' page with District 105D archives going back to 2006. The latest issue of the Sentinel is featured on the Home page with a thumbnail image and link to the PDF file.

The Clubs page of the website is a database of club information such as the names of the officers, meeting dates/venues and links to the club website and contacts together with Zone and Region data. Club Secretaries may login and update 'their page' to add/edit details of meetings and venues etc. It features a map of our District showing 105sc clubs. Do periodically check that the information is up to date. 

We have a great resource in our website and I urge you all to get involved in using it, promoting it and improving it. 

Zoom remains available to clubs with some regularly using it and some using it for hybrid meetings. With the steep rise in fuel costs it remains a good alternative to travelling miles and is of course environmentally friendly.

Tom Sayers –

Marketing & PR - Tom Sayers

The Marketing Team has not been meeting as often as I'd like due to other commitments however the group are quietly making progress in helping the District and our Clubs improve awareness of what we do for the 105sc area.

There is a lot of information on the District website including info-graphics that Clubs and Officers may use on printed and virtual media. See

There is a Recruitment Handout page with a very useful template at

Each month in the Sentinel you will find a series giving first rate advice for gaining attention of your community.

Tom Sayers –

LCIF Report - Ann Huntley

Sadly our world still desperately needs Lions in their communities to step in and offer the help and support to improve lives. Therefore Lions still needs the funding and support of our charity, Lions Clubs International Foundation.

The Foundation offers financial help by way of grants to small, local projects that Lions are working on and of course,  when major disasters strike. However, it can only award grants if the funds are there and this is why we need to continue to support our charity.

During the last year Lions have continued to support the people of Ukraine in various ways. Last winter funds for generators was a priority, this year the appeal is for wood burning stoves. Lions rallied to donate funds to help in the immediate aftermath of the terrible earthquake that hit Southern Turkey and Northern Syria. Lions were on the ground offering hot food, blankets, tents, medical supplies etc. and have continued to help with providing containers for housing. Now, they look to the future with the plan to build social centres. All this work carried out due to grants awarded by LCIF and supported by you with your donations.

As LCIF Coordinator for 105SC I continue to attend district Cabinet and GAT (Global Action Team) meetings. I also continue to submit articles regarding the Foundation to the Sentinel.

During 2022-2023 Lions in 105SC donated $101,034.93.

In January 2023 donations were $43,900.32

In January 2024 donations were $20,188.83

Thank you if you or your club has made a donation. 

Youth Projects

Peace Poster - Lion Frances Bond

This year I have kept the websites updated, answered any questions asked of me regarding Peace Poster, I have not had any queries for the Essay Competition, of which the rules are in the Peace Poster kit.

The Winner from our District was uploaded to the Peace Poster webpage, the Winner was Satang Yusong aged 13 Sponsored by Guernsey Lions Club. A copy of the winning poster will be on the Youth boards at Convention. The new theme is "Peace without Limits ". There will also be a Peace Poster kit for all to look at.

Here is a link on the Essay page, which directly takes you to the Winning entry for 2023-2024:

Youth Camp and Exchange - Stephen Sherring

The Lions International Youth Camp and Exchange Program introduces thousands of young people (aged between 16 and 21) to life in other cultures by helping them experience living with a host family in another country and then spending time at an international youth camp (whilst called camps most don't involve a tent or any camping). Each year usually over 100 camps are available to choose from 40 or more different countries around the world. The scheme has been in operation since 1961. Clubs in our District can participate in one of two ways;

1) by inviting anyone aged 16-21 from their local communities to apply for a place at an international youth camp of their choosing around the world next summer; and/or

2) by offering to assign one or more of their club members to act as a short term host family for youths applying for a place at the camp in this country next year.

The personal information clubs receive from youths who apply for this scheme is very sensitive and needs to be stored securely in order to comply with Data Protection Laws.

Our International Youth Camp in MD105

MD 105 Youth Camp London Experience

Age of attendees: 18-21

Number of participants: 20 (all fully subscribed)

The MD YE Camp has had to have the dates changed due to the original venue having essential building works and the new venue only able to accommodate them later in August.

New dates Family Hosting 2nd -11th August 2024 YE MD Camp 11th -20th August 2024.

They are full with 20 accepted applicants.

MD have asked COGs and Vice-Council to ask their District members to host 2-3 youths during the above date. Promotional material prepared for the next District Mailing and for the next edition in the Sentinel. This will also be promoted at Convention.

Holly Ryan

Holly is a veteran of the Lions Youth Exchange Program having attended 3 international youth camps sponsored by Ringwood & Fordingbridge Lions Club. She is 22 and attended her last camp in France in the summer of 2023. Holly has agreed to attend the District 105SC Convention in March and address the attendees about the virtue of the program and why more clubs should get involved with this scheme.

Holly has also asked if she can assist as a volunteer at the MD105 Youth Camp in London this year and is also going to volunteer in France at the Lions Youth Camp there.

We require a 15-20 min slot at Convention for Holly's talk, allowing time for her introduction, and a short you tube video of our International President talking about why Youth Exchange is so important beforehand. A powerpoint presentation of Holly's slides which are mainly photos and quotes which will play on a revolving basis while Holly is talking, have been sent to Jarvis, Richard High and Tom Sayers to help set this up and ensure Holly has been booked in for lunch. I understand that Barrie has also kindly arranged for Holly to stay overnight at the hotel and attend the Ball on the Saturday evening.


No enquiries have been received about the scheme from any club in the District 105SC so far this year.

Ringwood & Fordingbridge Lions Club are the only club in the District who participate in this program at present. They have advertised locally and promoted the scheme at two local sixth form schools. Consequently, they have interviewed 11 youths and invited all 11 to apply for a place at an international youth camp abroad. 7 applications have been submitted to MD so far 4 young people have secured their first choice of camp in:-

a) Berne, Switzerland

b) Morelia, Mexico

c) Netherlands d) Osaka, Japan

All are very excited. More will follow. Issues/Questions

Holly Ryan has expressed a keen interest in becoming a camp leader at our next

International Youth Camp in London – I have emailed the camp director and our MD Officer but await a Response which has possibly been curtailed because of the camp re-organisation referenced above. Holly is going to accept the Lions camp leader position in France this summer and thinks she can do both.

When I called MDHQ Shop to see how I might go about ordering leaflets for Lions Youth Exchange I was advised that no print run had been ordered on the basis that we were not participating in this scheme any longer. I have asked the MD Officer for Youth Exchange and await a reply. Consequently we have no leaflets to promote this scheme at Convention.

DG Team and District Admin Reports  Zone Chairs Reports